Monday, October 15, 2007


Owing to a bunch of nay sayers asking for additional proof of appearance. We dug deep to find this shot of the NOSHOW the eve before the grand fondo del prosecco. Displaying the grab bag goody of prosecco's finest salami - together with a bone fide race number - riderNOsHoW is all grins. Fielding abuse from such unexpected sources as Riderpitts's mother shirley - who when introduced to the NOShow - said - "now what are the fellows going to call you - im disappointed". We leave this post by reflecting on the old adage that one race does not make a season - which is just as true for a nickname.


rider eazy-e said...

Long life to NO-SHOW

Tea said...

I can truly empathize with Mssr rider-No-Show.

Oh btw- I was supposed to forward this message to you:

We regret to inform you that the previously submitted nickname of rider-tea-bag was not accepted by the editing staff.

Please re-submit your
entry using a more accurate description.

Sincerely yours,